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Energy Efficiency Level V vs VI

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For External Power Supplies, there are different energy efficiency, including Roman numerals Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵ. A bigger number means better energy efficiency.

In recent years, with the development of the economy and the deterioration of the environment, people has higher requirement for energy efficiency, so normally requested energy efficiency level V and VI. When we see Level VI always means to DOE level VI, Level V always means to COC level V(Tier 2). Here actually we are talking about DOE level VI vs COC level V(Tier 2).

Power Consumption and Efficiency

Following is the standard published by DOE and COC for no-load electric power consumption and min average active efficiency in active mode of external switching power supplies.

Single-Voltage External AC-DC external switching power supplies, low voltage

image 1

Single-Voltage External AC-DC external switching power supplies, basic voltage

image 2

Application Products

There is no big difference for the application products.

Where to use?

DOE level VI is for the external power supplies ship to USA.

COC level V(Tier 2) is for the European Market.

Hi, I’m Tina, when I move to the power adapter industry, I found there is a lot of knowledge that I didn't know, I keep learning and will share with you what I learned at here.

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